Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A keyboard to practice on

   Jay L. brought us over a 61 key eMedia keyboard for us to practice on.  We at first set it up to play outside on the porch when it is nice out.  With much effort, we made a place for it to live inside our small place.(Picture)

eMedia Music keyboard

   I have been practicing on the keyboard Jay brought over, playing both the right treble hand of "Christian Dedication" and going through a Beginner Video Lessons course I found on YouTube.  So far I have not purchased any of the .PDF materials, I will see how I progress before I invest much into the piano hobby.  I have the guitar lessons to keep up with too.  Here are my goals and successes so far, I will update occasionally.

May 31 Update

Current course goals:


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

I am still practicing and even got some Piano time

I am still practicing on "The three little birds". We are visiting our Mother in law so am getting opportunity to play with her piano. I have played with a Keyboard and an Organ before but never a real piano.  So I took the opportunity the practice "Christian Dedication". I practiced a couple dozen times​ and recorded  a run.  I practiced a second session the second day here and plan to practice again this evening.

Marion's piano and the Guitar songbook she gave us.
Playing "Christian Dedication" on Marion's piano.
Playing along with our new guitar playing bird mascot Kathy's mom gave us.